Maker Touch is a very simple circuit board and combined with open-source ARDUINO control board to make any object a compute input device. That is to say, it can make stairway into a piano, bananas into a keyboard , plasticine into a joystick and even your families into a musical synthesizer.
Maker Touch is developed by KEYSTUDIO. Its volume is very small(similar to Arduino Uno). It has a USB interface connected to computer and a alligator clip connected to other objects.
Maker Touch’s meaning lies in using a very simple way to create art by artists. You need neither installing driver nor encoding. If you want to encode, it can also work as Arduino. When connected to bananas, it becomes a banana piano; when connected to plasticine, it becomes a joystick. Besides, you can draw buttons on a piece of paper with a pencil , the paper becomes a controller of a game, Pacman.